It is with great pleasure that we announce Professor Joan Ramage will become the next Faculty Director for the Lehigh ADVANCE Center for Women in STEM starting in April 2022 for a three year appointment.
The Lehigh ADVANCE Center for Women STEM Faculty applies evidence-based strategies to support faculty diversity, inclusion, and equity across all disciplines through institutional transformation. Dr. Ramage, Associate Professor in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, uses remote sensing to understand what variations in glaciers and snow can tell us about hydrology and climate. She brings experience designing and implementing inclusive teaching workshops as part of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers Early Career and Traveling Workshop Programs. Dr. Ramage has a strong track record of successfully mentoring women undergraduate and graduate students and she is an inaugural member of her department’s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. Her expertise and past leadership roles will elevate development of new training tools, research questions, and collaborations. Dr. Ramage follows inaugural faculty director Professor Kristen Jellison who recently became the RCEAS Associate Dean for Faculty Development.
We extend sincere gratitude to Dr. Jellison for her leadership and partnership and look forward to incorporating Dr. Ramage’s skills and ideas to the Center. The ADVANCE faculty director works closely with Dr. Marci Levine, Staff Center Director and a range of senior leaders and stakeholders guiding and applying evidence-based strategies and programs, frequently from research about STEM fields, to our entire campus. The directors welcome input from the campus community on new and ongoing initiatives. Read more about ADVANCE and the new faculty director here (
Nathan Urban, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jackie Krasas, Deputy Provost for Faculty Affairs