University Standing Committees

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University Standing Committees 

University Standing Committee membership is self-reported annually by college.  The below membership is effective begnning July 1, 2024.  An indented name indicates the faculty member is filling in for the faculty member listed above who is on leave.  If you have a question regarding a committee or its memebership, please email  

Committee on Discipline (three-year term)
  • Mengxiao Liu, COB, 2026
  • Leo Tang, COB, 2025
  • Kathryn Jackson, COH
  • Vinod Namboodiri, COH
  • VACANT, RCEAS, 2027
  • VACANT, RCEAS, 2027
  • Grace Caskie, COE, 2027
  • Minyi Dennis, COE, 2026
  • Dustin Stoltz, CAS, 2027
  • Gordon Moskowitz, CAS, 2026
  • VACANT, At-Large, 2027
  • VACANT, At-Large, 2027
Disciplinary Appeals Committee (three-year term)
  • Ludovica Cesareo, COB, 2026
  • Jacob Zureich, COB, 2027
  • Taieb Berrard, COH At-Large
  • Anna Chupa, COH At-Large
  • Sushil Kumar, RCEAS, 2025
  • VACANT, RCEAS, 2027
  • Brian Osborne, COE, 2027
  • Juan Zheng, COE, 2027
  • Julie Haas, CAS, 2027
  • Anna Chupa, CAS, 2027
Educational Policy Committee (three-year term for nine tenured members of the faculty)
  • Marina Puzakova, COB, 2027
  • Ahmed Rahman, COB, 2025
  • VACANT, COH, 2027
  • VACANT, COH, 2027
  • Paolo Bocchini, RCEAS, 2026
  • Angela Brown, RCEAS, 2025
  • VACANT, RCEAS, 2027
  • Tom Hammond, COE, 2026
  • Nandini Deo, CAS, 2027
  • Yue Yu, CAS, 2025
  • VACANT, CAS, 2027
  • TBD, CAS, Undergraduate Student Representatives
  • TBD, COH, Undergraduate Student Representatives
  • TBD, RCEAS, Undergraduate Student Representatives
  • TBD: Julia Ngo, COB, Undergraduate Student Representatives
  • TBD, COE, Graduate Student Representative
  • TBD, Graduate Student Representative
  • Henry Odi, Vice Provost for Academic Diversity
  • Michael Dills-Allen, Registrar
  • Linda Bell, Director of Administration and Student Services
  • Katherine Lavinder, Dean of Students
  • Lori McClaind, Associate Dean of Students
  • Terry-Ann Jones, Deputy Provost for Undergraduate Education
  • Peter Zeitler, Chair, Faculty Senate
  • TBD, Academic and Student Affairs Senate Subcommittee
  • Nathan Urban, Ex Officio, Provost
  • Manoj K. Malhotra, Ex Officio, Dean of the College of Business
  • Robert Flowers, Ex Officio, Dean of the CAS
  • Beth Dolan, Ex Officio, Dean of the COH
  • William Gaudelli, Ex Officio, Dean of the COE
  • Stephen DeWeerth, Ex Officio, Dean of the RCEAS


Faculty Committee on Global Affairs (three-year non-concurrent terms)
  • Han Ye, COB, 2026
  • VACANT, COB, 2027
  • VACANT, COH, 2027
  • VACANT, COH, 2027
  • Arindam Banerjee, RCEAS, 2026
  • Anand Ramamurthi, RCEAS, 2025
  • Zilong Pan, COE, 2027
  • Armando Anzellini, 2025
  • Lindsey Reuben, CAS,  2025
  • Mary Ann Maderia, CAS, 2025
  • TBA, Undergraduate student representative (nonvoting)
  • TBA, Graduate student representative (nonvoting)
  • Cheryl Matherly, Senior Vice President and Vice Provost for International Affairs, Ex Officio
Faculty Committee on Student Life (college reps: four-year staggered terms)
  • David Hinrichs, COB, 2027
  • Sean Daley, COH, 2026
  • VACANT, RCEAS, 2027
  • Bridget Dever, COE, 2026
  • Ed Whitley, CAS, 2027
  • Katherine Lavindir, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs, Indefinite
  • TBD, Dean of Students, Indefinite
  • Kathleen Hutnik, Associate Deputy Provost for Graduate Education, Indefinite
  • TBD, Undergraduate Student Senate
  • TBD, Graduate Student Senate
Faculty Personnel Committee (five-year term)
  • Sterling Yan, COB, 2028
  • Albert Liu, COH, 2025
  • Shamim Pakzad, RCEAS, 2028
  • Al Bodzin, COE, 2029
  • Deborah Laible, CAS, 2026
Faculty Representative to the Council for Equity and Community (CEC) (three-year staggered terms)
  • Saif Mir, COB, 2025
  • Bilal Khan, COH, 2025
  • VACANT, RCEAS, 2027
  • Floyd Beechum, COE, 2026
  • Stephanie Watts, CAS, 2026
Faculty Senate Executive Committee
  • Peter Zeitler, CAS, Chair, 2026
  • Jenna Lay, CAS, Vice-Chair, 2027
  • Frank Gunter, COB, 2026 
  • John Hughes, COH, 2026
  • George DuPaul, COE, 2027
  • Damien Thévenin, CAS, 2026
  • K. Sivakumar, COB, Secretary of the Faculty


Graduate and Research Committee (three-year term and graduate student council reps)
  • Raluca Chiorean, COB, 2026
  • Nevena Koukova, COB, 2025
  • Bilal Khan. COH
  • Tracy Nichols, COH
  • Keith Moored, RCEAS, 2025
  • Spencer Quiel, RCEAS, 2025
  • Zhiyuan Yan, RCEAS, 2025
  • VACANT, RCEAS, 2027
  • Craig Hochbein, COE, 2025
  • Chris Liang, COE, 2026
  • Mark Skandera, CAS, 2027
  • Johanna Kowalko, CAS, 2026
  • Orianna Fisher, CAS, 2025
  • TBD, Graduate Student Representative
  • TBD, Graduate Student Representative
  • TBD, Undergraduate Student Representative
  • Michael Burger, Ex Officio, Associate Dean CAS, Indefinite
  • TBD, Ex Officio, Associate Dean Business, Indefinite
  • Robin Hojnoski, Ex Officio, Associate Dean COE, Indefinite
  • Won Choi, Ex Officio, Associate Dean COH, Indefinite
  • John Coulter, Ex Officio, Associate Dean RCEAS, Indefinite
  • Robert Flowers, Ex Officio, Dean CAS, Indefinite
  • Georgette Phillips, Ex Officio, Dean Business, Indefinite
  • William Gaudelli, Ex Officio, Dean COE, Indefinite
  • Beth Dolan, Ex Officio, Dean COH, Indefinite
  • Stephen DeWeerth, Ex Officio, Dean RCEAS, Indefinite
  • Kathleen Hutnik, Ex Officio, Associate Deputy Provost for Graduate Education, Indefinite
  • Cynthia J. Kane, Ex Officio, Assistant Senior Vice President of Research and Sponsored Programs, Indefinite
  • Terry-Ann Jones, Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs, Indefinite
  • Sabrina Jedlicka, Deputy Provost for Graduate Education
  • Anand Jagota, Vice Provost for Research
Library and Technology Services Faculty Committee (three-year term)
  • Ke Yang, COB, 2026
  • VACANT, COH, 2027
  • Dan Lopresti, RCEAS, 2026
  • Vanesa Mora Ringle, COE, 2027
  • Yinan He, CAS, 2025
  • Elizabeth Young, CAS, 2025
  • Lilia Adriana Perez Limon, CAS, 2025
Secretary of the Faculty (one-year term)
  • K. Sivakumar, COB, At Large, 2025