Retiring or Resigning from Lehigh

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Retiring or Resigning from Lehigh

Is it time to leave Lehigh? This page provides information about how to initiate the process. We’re sorry to see you go! 

Prior to your departure, whether because of retirement or resignation, you will receive a (voluntary, but encouraged) electronic exit survey from the Provost’s office. You will also have the option to participate in an exit interview. 

When you leave the University, you will have the option to maintain possession of University-purchased equipment by purchasing the equipment at the value determined by the Assistant Director of Computing Distributed Support Services in LTS. All confidential Lehigh University information, including student information and the operating system, will need to be removed from the device. Although it is the responsibility of the faculty member to complete these tasks, we ask that college administration oversee the process, ensuring university equipment is returned and/or purchased appropriately.

Retiring from Lehigh

When you are ready to begin the process of retirement, or if you have any questions about retiring, please consult with the Deputy Provost for Faculty Affairs (DPFA). The DPFA can discuss your plans for retirement, answer any questions that you have, and discuss next steps. We also encourage you to contact Human Resources to discuss benefits. You are, of course, also free to discuss your retirement with your Chair, Dean, and anyone else you’d like.

Resigning from Lehigh

If you wish to resign from Lehigh, please notify the university, as early as possible, by sending an email to:

The Provost’s office will produce an official acknowledgement of your resignation and send it to you, with copies to the college Dean, Department Chair, DPFA, Payroll Office, Human Resources, Budget Office, and LTS.

If you resign during an academic year, you will receive prorated pay.