Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT)

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Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT)

Faculty members go through many reviews during their careers at Lehigh. These include annual reviews, reappointment, tenure, triennial reviews, and promotion (for tenure-track faculty) and reappointment and promotion (for term faculty—Teaching Professors, Research Professors, and Professors of Practice). All tenure-track and term faculty have an annual merit review for salary increases. 

This suite of pages provides information about all types of faculty reviews at Lehigh, as well as forms and documents needed as part of the RPT process.

Looking for … ?

If you’re looking for information from an older version of the Provost’s RPT website, here’s where to find it on the new website.

  • Portfolio checklists: These can now be found on the pages for each type of review (tenure and promotion, term faculty reappointment, etc.). More information about the various components of an RPT portfolio can be found on the Dossier Materials page.
  • Review schedules: These can also be found on the pages for each type of review.
  • Provost’s guidelines for faculty evaluators: The information in the guidelines is now found on the Guidance for Internal Faculty Evaluators page, as well as many other pages in the RPT website.
  • Sample letters to external reviewers: The letter to request an evaluation is here, and the letter with instructions for the evaluation is here (or see the navigation menu above).
  • Candidate’s and department’s list of external reviewers: There is now a single template for both lists; just indicate which list (candidate’s or department’s) it is.
  • PAR guidelines: The guidelines for the 2024 PAR are now obsolete; new guidelines are available on the Professional Activity Report (PAR) and Annual Salary Increases page.