Larry Snyder

The Deputy Provost for Faculty Affairs (DPFA) works in close partnership with the deans, vice provosts, academic department chairs, faculty senate, and other members of the university leadership team. The DPFA serves as a liaison to ensure effective two-way communications between the provost's office and Lehigh's faculty and its academic standing committees. They play a critical role in policies and practices related to faculty hiring, promotion, tenure, retirement, and work–life balance. The DPFA works to promote faculty success and ensure that Lehigh is able to recruit and retain an outstanding and diverse group of faculty.
Larry Snyder was named as Lehigh's DPFA in June 2023. Dr. Snyder is the Harvey E. Wagner Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE). He joined the ISE department in 2003. He earned his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences from Northwestern University, and his B.A. in Mathematics from Amherst College. At Lehigh, Dr. Snyder previously served as the Director of the Institute for Data, Intelligent Systems, and Computation (I-DISC).
Dr. Snyder's research applies computational and quantitative tools from operations research (OR) to a wide range of interdisciplinary topics, from supply chains to energy systems. He is co-author of the textbook Fundamentals of Supply Chain Theory (published by Wiley in 2011, with a second edition in 2019) and has published numerous scholarly articles. He is an award-winning teacher who has taught innovative and interdisciplinary courses. Recently, his teaching and research have explored issues of bias and social justice related to AI and other algorithmic decision-making tools.
Contact Information:
Phone: 610-758-5915
Provost Office: 610-758-3605