Type 1 vs. Type 2 Joint Appointments

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If less than 10% effort in another unit, please use Courtesy Affiliation rather than Joint Appointments.

Type 1 or Type 2 Appointment?

Type 1 Joint Appointment: At least 40% effort allocated to the second academic unit

Type 2 Joint Appointment: less than 40% effort allocated to the second academic unit (10% - 40%)

If less than 10% effort in another unit, please use Courtesy Affiliation rather than Joint Appointments.


Additional Title

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes

Type 2 Joint Appointment: Yes

Example: If the primary appointment is in the Department of Chemistry in CAS and the secondary appointment is in the Department of Chemical Engineering in RCEAS, the title for a type 1 joint appointment or type 2 joint appointment would be "Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering".

Is MOU Required?

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes

Type 2 Joint Appointment: Yes

Appointment letter is issued by:

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Provost

Type 2 Joint Appointment: Provost

Participation in governance of both units

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes

Type 2 Joint Appointment: Only if specified in MOU

Inclusion in both units' catalog listings

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes

Type 2 Joint Appointment: Yes

Formalized arrangement regarding service, teaching, and/or research

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes

Type 2 Joint Appointment: As specified in MOU

Reappointment, tenure, and promotion reviews for the appointed faculty member

Type 1 Joint Appointment: A special committee is formed to participate in reviews of the faculty member. The special committee typically includes tenured faculty members of the appropriate rank in the secondary department or program

Type 2 Joint Appointment: MOU will specify if a special committee is formed or if only Chair/Director of secondary unit provides input or if there is no input from secondary unit

Participation of Faculty Member

Type 1 Joint Appointment: If the secondary unit is a department, the faculty member participates in reviews based on the same rules and procedures as a faculty member whose primary appointment is in the department. If the secondary unit is a program, the faculty member may be included in other faculty members’ special committees.

Type 2 Joint Appointment: As specified in the MOU

Chair or Director of secondary unit provides input in annual merit salary decisions

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes

Type 2 Joint Appointment: As specified in the MOU

Does secondary unit have input in requests for academic leave?

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes

Type 2 Joint Appointment: No

Duration of Joint Appointment

Type 1 Joint Appointment: Unlimited

Type 2 Joint Appointment: Unlimited