If less than 10% effort in another unit, please use Courtesy Affiliation rather than Joint Appointments.
Joint Appointment Delineating Features
Type 1 Joint Appointment: At least 40% effort allocated to the second academic unit
Type 2 Joint Appointment: less than 40% effort allocated to the second academic unit (10% - 40%)
If less than 10% effort in another unit, please use Courtesy Affiliation rather than Joint Appointments.
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Provost
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Provost
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Only by agreement
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Only by agreement
Type 1 Joint Appointment: If secondary unit is a department, tenured faculty of appropriate rank participate in the review of the faculty member.
If secondary unit is a program, Special Committee participates in reviews
Type 2 Joint Appointment: MOU will specify if a special committee is formed or if only Chair/Director of secondary unit provides input or if there is no input from secondary unit
Type 1 Joint Appointment: If secondary unit is a department, tenured faculty of appropriate rank participate in the review of faculty in that department.
If secondary unit is a program, faculty member participates if on the Special Committee
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Only by Agreement
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Only by Agreement
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Yes
Type 2 Joint Appointment: No
Type 1 Joint Appointment: Unlimited
Type 2 Joint Appointment: Termed, maximum 5 years, but renewable
Example: If the primary appointment is in the Department of Chemistry in CAS and the secondary appointment is in the Department of Chemical Engineering in RCEAS, the title for a type 1 joint appointment or type 2 joint appointment would be "Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering".