Faculty Joint Appointments

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Rules and Procedures of the Faculty of Lehigh University [R&P] Section describes provisions that apply to Lehigh Faculty members with an appointment involving more than one academic unit (i.e., ‘Joint Appointment’).  All faculty members are assigned to a primary, home department.  The second academic unit in which a faculty member is jointly appointed may be another academic department or program or a center. 

A key element in defining these R&P provisions is whether the joint appointment is Type 1 (at least 40% effort allocated to the second unit) or a Type 2 (less than 40% effort allocated to the second unit).  All faculty members with a Type 1 or a Type 2 joint appointment will have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that defines the faculty member’s rights and responsibilities in the second unit. 

For all faculty members holding a Type 1 joint appointment the MOU will specify a Special Committee.  For faculty members holding a Type 2 joint appointment the MOU will specify whether or not the faculty members will have a Special Committee.  Special Committees play a key role in the R&P provisions for reappointment, tenure and promotion reviews.  For faculty members holding a Type 2 joint appointment where the MOU specifies that no Special Committee will be established, the chairperson of the second department or director of the academic program or center may provide input for the second unit to reappointment, tenure and promotion reviews and/or annual merit salary reviews.

The attendent framework delineates key differences in the way that Type 1 and Type 2 joint appointments are structured.  See the linked templates for both a Type 1 MOU and a Type 2 MOU.

Ensuring that the MOU for a faculty member holding a joint appointment is (1) appropriately structured, (2) comprehensive, and (3) up to date, is the shared responsibility of the faculty member, the chairperson of the home department, the chair of the second department or director of the second program or center, and the dean of the college of the home department.

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