Procedure to be followed:
1. Candidate:
Faculty member requests leave of absence in writing to department Chair, including a synopsis of research and teaching activity since their last academic leave, together with a current CV. Requests are due to the Provost’s Office by November 1 for the following academic year. The request should include the following:
a. explanation and justification of proposed academic leave
b. date and duration of proposed leave
c. date of last academic leave
d. copy of the letter submitted to Provost following the faculty member’s most recent academic leave (unless this is the faculty member’s first academic leave), describing the activities engaged in and the accomplishments achieved during that leave
e. financial particulars: Academic leaves are typically either for one semester at full salary and benefits or a full year at half salary and full benefits; the request should specify which option the faculty member prefers. Please specify any sources of external funding. Faculty members typically do not receive stipends (caps) for administrative responsibilities during an academic leave; any proposed exception to the rule must be properly justified and with approval from the dean.
f. Leave Accommodation Form signed completed and signed by Faculty member and Department Chair
If the faculty member would like to be considered for the competitive full-year University Sabbatical Fellows program, they should also attach a 1-2 page narrative that includes (a) a compelling case that a full year of leave will substantively elevate their research activity or profile over what would be possible with the standard half-year leave and (b) a list of (planned) external applications for sabbatical support. Candidates should show evidence of actively seeking external sabbatical support, as available by discipline (e.g., Fulbright, Guggenheim, Sage Foundation, etc.).
2. Department Chair
Chairperson forwards faculty member’s request, together with supporting materials, and their own recommendation in writing to Dean. The Chair’s recommendation must evaluate the faculty request and include plans for coverage of the faculty member’s teaching and service commitments during the proposed leave. The Leave Accommodation Form for Faculty may be used for this purpose if this proves helpful.
If the faculty member applied for the full-year University Sabbatical Fellows program, the Chair’s letter should include a separate recommendation as to whether a full-year leave is likely to make a substantive difference to their research activity and/or impact.
3. College Dean
Dean forwards faculty request, together with supporting materials and department chair’s recommendation, with Dean’s own written recommendation to the Provost’s office for approval. The Dean’s recommendation must include plans for coverage of any administrative commitments of the faculty member, if applicable, during the proposed leave.
If the faculty member applied for the full-year University Sabbatical Fellows program, the Dean’s letter should include a separate recommendation as to whether a full-year leave is likely to make a substantive difference to their research activity and/or impact.
4. Provost Office
The Provost, if in agreement, issues official leave letter to faculty member.
Applications for the University Sabbatical Fellows program will be evaluated by a committee convened by the Office of the Vice Provost for Research.